US Colonial Era Data Study
Project Leader
John Buchanan (FCAS; NY
Ralph Archbold (CSP, CPAE; PA
Dr Philip Brohan (Met Office Hadley Centre via ACRE, UK)
Gil Compo (Research Scientist, CDC CIRES/NOAA-ESRL,University of Colorado at Boulder, CO)
James Fleming (Professor, Colby College, ME
Eric Freeman (Meteorologist, NOAA-NCDC, NC)
Dr Stuart Green (Clinical Professor, University of California-Irvine, CA)
Tom Knutson (Research Meteorologist, NOAA-GFDL, NJ)
Richard Kurtz (Science Teacher, Commack High School, NY)
Student Climate Research Campaign - GLOBE (Boulder, CO)
The Colonial Era Data Study is a wide ranging educational based climate change research project. This research combines the areas of history, mathematics/statistics, Earth science, computer/data visualization, and global communication. For Phase 1, we created a YouTube video starring Ralph Archbold as Ben Franklin, demonstrating the relevance and value of colonial era records in the modern analysis of climate change.
A description of Phase 2 of CEDS, expanding these concepts to middle and high school students, is contained in this YouTube video produced in Calgary at the August 2010 GLOBE annual conference
Additional information is contained in the Comments description below, along with various relevant links.