WG4: User Requirements and Applications

WG Leader (Prof Roger Stone, University of Southern Queensland, Australia - stone@usq.edu.au)

Terms of reference:

Generate a clear user requirement document;

Showcase of applications;

Finance Re insurance;


Terrestrial ecosystems;

Cultural Heritage;

Human health;

Climate Change;

Environmental Systems;

Marine Environment

Members: Holger Meinke (holger.meinke@wur.nl); Paul Della-Marta (Paul.Della-Marta@partnerre.com); Jan Kleinn (jan.kleinn@aspen-re.com); Tom Osborne (t.m.osborne@reading.ac.uk); Bryson Bates (Bryson.Bates@csiro.au); Simon Lloyd (simon.lloyd@lshtm.ac.uk); Markus Erhard (markus.erhard@eea.europa.eu); Oleana Sosenko (oSosenko@primacyua.com.au); David Bresch (David_Bresch@swissre.com); Carlotta Grossi-Sampredo (c.grossi-sampedro@uea.ac.uk); Catherine Marzin (Catherine.Marzin@noaa.gov), John Buchanan (John.Buchanan@ISO.com)